Breastfeeding Tips: How To Increase Milk Supply

Knowing you have enough milk to satisfy and nourish your bub is most mums’ No. 1 concern. So imagine the devastation a woman feels when she finds out her supply is lacking and her bub is going hungry? According to the 2010 Australian Infant Feeding Survey, 56.3% of mums stop breastfeeding to due “not enough breast milk”. There are lots of reasons why a mama’s boobie milk isn’t flowing as it should be, and many, many of the issues faced are actually preventable, or fixable with the right help and support. Here's why your supply may be low together with tips on how to increase milk supply.
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Foods to Avoid When Pregnant

No doubt many of you have read or heard about what foods you should be avoiding in pregnancy. This is to avoid the contamination of listeria. This is a bacteria that can contaminate food thereby causing infection, which can be passed on to the baby, leading to miscarriage or possible stillbirth.
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Pregnancy Exercise – 5 Great Reasons to Jump on It!

We all know the benefits of exercising but during pregnancy is probably one of the most important times to jump on it! Here are 5 great reasons to get moving now. 1. Evidence has shown that exercise helps to develop and maintain muscular strength, flexibility and fitness to carry a pregnancy. 2. Exercise prepares your body for the demands of labour and birth.

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